In a move that can truly only be described as "suicidal," a man pointed a gun at Capitol Police officers in the screening area of the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center on Monday.
Evidently, the man reached the security checkpoint of the Visitors Center and pulled a gun on the security force, whose job it is to prevent people with guns from infiltrating the Capitol complex and taking out US lawmakers. They shot the guy and sent him off to the the hospital for surgery. His condition is currently unknown.
In an added layer of phew for those concerned about the safety of our legislators, they weren't even there. Congress is out for Easter recess, so most of them are back at home raising money for their re-election campaigns... er... meeting with constituents. Yeah. That's it. Constituents.
The identity of the would-be shooter is unconfirmed, but law enforcement says he was "known to them." Rumors are swirling that he's a guy named Larry Dawson who had to be removed from the House gallery after shouting "I'm a prophet of God" back in October.